Theatrical Tuesdays - Big Trouble in Little China
Event box
A macho truck driver agrees to go to the San Francisco airport and pick up his friend's fiancée. Suddenly, a gang of Chinatown toughs kidnap her, and after a wild chase, the trucker discovers that she has been abducted by a genuine sorcerer, the ghost of a 3000-year-old warlord. Big Trouble in Little China has a runtime of 99 minutes and is rated PG-13.
Please be advised that attendance at all movies is at the viewer’s discretion, and some material may be unsuitable for some individuals. Individual responsibility is recommended for attendance. For full description on rating advice please refer to the Motion Pictures Association of America. Views expressed in the film are not those of the City of Albuquerque nor the Public Library Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.
- Date:
- Tuesday, May 13, 2025
- Time:
- 3:00pm - 5:00pm
- Time Zone:
- Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)
- Location:
- Special Collections
- Categories:
- Adults Movies Recurring Event Teens

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Time Zone: Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)