Special Event Movie:“MARCH-ing” beat of a different drum: Goofy Movie
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Visit us at the South Broadway Library every Friday in January and May, to watch a retro movie. In March, Saturdays will get wild with a great animated or live-action feature. In January, celebrate Sci-fi Fantasy Fridays with an awesome selection of a popular cult classic. Next, we are “MARCH-ing” beat of a different drum every Saturday with a great animal themed movie. Then in May, join us every other Friday for a taste of future nostalgia with one of the selections from the “Back to the Future” trilogy. Come join the fun!
Saturday, March 8 • 1:00 – 3PM. Operation Dumbo Drop. Rated-PG Runtime: 120 minutes
Saturday, March 22 • 1:00 – 3PM. Goofy Movie. Rated-PG Runtime: 78 minutes
Saturday, March 29 • 1:00 – 3PM. Jumanji. Rated-PG Runtime: 105 minutes

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