Monthly Matinee - Cheyenne Social Club
Event box
An aging cowboy travels far with his partner, only to find the establishment he has inherited is a brothel. He plans to use the building to run a more respectable business, much to the dismay of its occupants, but soon he is forced to defend against a dead man's vengeful kin. Filmed in Santa Fe (J. W. Eaves Movie Ranch, Bonanza Creek Ranch) and Galisteo (Cerro Pelon Movie Ranch). Cheyenne Social Club stars James Stewart, Henry Fonda, and Shirley Jones, has a runtime of 1 hour 43 minutes and is rated PG.
Please be advised that attendance at all movies is at the viewer’s discretion, and some material may be unsuitable for some individuals. Individual responsibility is recommended for attendance. For full description on rating advice please refer to the Motion Pictures Association of America. Views expressed in the film are not those of the City of Albuquerque nor the Public Library Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.
- Date:
- Saturday, November 1, 2025 Show more dates
- Time:
- 3:00pm - 5:00pm
- Time Zone:
- Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)
- Location:
- Botts Hall
- Location:
- Special Collections
- Categories:
- Adults Local History Movies Special Event

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Time Zone: Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)